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KPIs of SEO You Need To Watch Out

Top 13 SEO KPIs You Should Track

In this twenty-first century era, every other business has its online presence. In developed countries like the UAE, the number of online businesses is about to exceed the number of traditional business setup.

The layout, architecture, and interior of traditional businesses can boost the interest of the target audience and motivate them to visit it once. On the other hand, reaching out to the target audience is quite difficult for online businesses due to increased competition.

In such a scenario, search engine optimization boosts the reach of the business to their target audience. However, it also requires proper planning and skills. Tracking the key performance indicators of SEO can boost your success rate.

However, if you are not a professional, you will not be able to achieve your purpose. You can hire companies offering SEO services in Dubai to ensure proper SEO optimization of your website according to the key performance indicators. Do not waste your time on unprofessional tricks, and consult the experts now!

Key Performance Indicators of SEO

Search engine optimization is necessary for all websites in order to achieve better rankings and gain the sight of the target audience. Websites and content cannot appear on top of the search on its own. Key performance indicators can provide support in this regard.

What are KPIs?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the points that serve as the guideline for ensuring better search engine optimization and ranking.

Top 13 SEO KPIs You Should Track

Here are the top SEO key performance indicators you should track to boost your search rankings.

  1. Keyword ranking
  2. Organic visibility
  3. Organic sessions
  4. Average session duration
  5. Leads and conversions
  6. Return on investment         
  7. Backlinks
  8. Bounce rate
  9. Page speed
  10. Coverage issues
  11. Cost per click
  12. Crawl errors
  13. Branded traffic

Take Away!

Millions of websites and content are available on search engines regarding a single keyword, query, or concept. To ensure better reach to the target audience, optimizing websites is crucial, and SEO KPIs can prove the guiding light to achieve this purpose.