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Make Your Ecommerce Store A Hit By Using These Features

· Ecommerce Features,Ecommerce Store,Ecommerce Website,Ecommerce Solution,Ecommerce Strategies

Quick question! How many times have you browsed through an online store and wondered how soon you could get out of there? Chances are, in the case of a poorly designed store, it’s all the time! But that doesn’t have to be the case all the time.

According to a study, the UAE and Saudi Arabia will see rapid growth in the e-commerce markets in the area with a forecasted worth of $ 48bn. With the ease and convenience, ecommerce has provided to the lives of consumers who would wish otherwise!

The use of successful strategies of ecommerce can help amplify the audience of your page and the customers buying from your store. All you need to do is hire the right ecommerce website solutions in Dubai with the right expertise for you to provide you with the right ecommerce store.

Successful strategies for ecommerce to make your store a hit

If you're planning on to attract more customers and create an ecommerce store that caters to customers like no other! The following features on your ecommerce websites are bound to create a strong impact on your customers:

Wish lists

Don't we all love wish lists and websites that have them? They're a step ahead of walls laden with post its and your bookmark tab full of items you find hard to locate! Wish lists on your websites allow consumers to save, share and view later, items that they like and might come back later to buy.

Ecommerce sites that have no wish-lists have unfortunately managed to leave behind large amounts of revenues. Imagine the amount of traffic generated when customers share their Wish Lists with friends’ family and others!

Find In-store

The whole purpose of having ecommerce stores is to make it convenient for your shoppers to buy from you regardless of where they are. But most shoppers don’t have time to browse through all the products that are available in stores.

For stores that do have brick and mortar stores, a find-in-store option can help customers get their items without having to wait for a long period. The feature allows customers to see what products are in stock and in which stores. It allows users to do their research online and to seal the deal online.

Related items

You’ve got to admit, every one of us goes through the relevant items tab when we open an ecommerce website! The tabs in themselves are enough to create a sense of excitement among buyers. And not to forget they're pretty effective in allowing consumers to buy from the site!

It has the stickiness that marketers try to achieve and still fail! Everyone loves it when stores pay attention to our choices and preferences.


The frequently asked questions are the go-to manual for customers when they're looking for answers for their most common queries. The section may provide customers with sufficient information that they may be needing and is a must-have for your store so that your inbox doesn't get flooded with repetitive queries by troubled customers.

Social media profiles

In the world today, where everything is about social media, it's essential for ecommerce stores to possess links to their social media profiles. Online sellers and Brand s use social media to create advocacy, brand trust and customer loyalty.

The linkage of social media profiles and with the ecommerce stores and the inclusion of user-generated content can help create a brand character for brands. Customers today aren't interested in "buy now" and "get this" they're more focused on brands that sell products that fulfill people's requirements.

The choice for advanced payment

In a consumer world where there are numerous ways of paying for products, consumers require flexibility in the way that they can pay. In the absence of the payment options, it becomes essential to point out why!

Take Away!

Despite the increased reliance of consumers on ecommerce for their shopping needs, it’s not every ecommerce website that the customers come back too! Customers are smart, they look, and they skim and only decide to shop once they’re satisfied with the features you're providing.